UCLA-Caltech is accepting applications for the 2023 Richard Morgan Summer Research Fellowship Program. More information about the fellowship program can be found HERE.
Instructions for submitting an application:
PROJECT GOAL: To increase diversity in the physician-scientist workforce by providing individualized research preparation and mentorship for undergraduate students who plan to apply to MD-PhD programs, including the UCLA-Caltech Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP).
PROJECT DETAILS: The fellowship program will provide critical support through 1) research training in a top lab at UCLA for one summer; and 2) longitudinal mentorship by UCLA faculty and current MSTP students who will comprehensively assist fellows in preparing for their subsequent application and interviews with MD-PhD programs. Once selected and based on their research interests, fellows will be paired with a UCLA faculty mentor and a current student in the UCLA MSTP who will co-mentor the fellow during an intensive summer research experience. In the following months, mentors will communicate regularly with the fellow, providing feedback on personal and research statements, AMCAS application, and preparations for MD-PhD interviews. Scholars will be supported with a $5,000.00 stipend.
APPLICATION DETAILS: The UCLA MSTP is currently soliciting applications from undergraduate students for a 10-week summer research fellowship in 2023 (June 26th – September 1st). Ideally, students should apply in their second year of college (Sophomore), although third year college students (Juniors) are also eligible if they have prior research experience. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Applicants must submit the following by email:
- Academic Transcript
- A personal statement (1,000 words or less) that describes the following: 1) how the summer fellowship will help the candidate pursue their interest in the MD-PhD path (~250 words); 2) any adversity or hardships the candidate had to overcome to pursue education in STEM; 3) the candidate’s demonstrated commitment to serving the underserved or increasing inclusion in STEM to underserved communities; and 4) a brief description of any past research experience.
- A Curriculum Vitae or Resume
- One letter of recommendation from a research mentor who is able to comment on the candidate’s research potential. If applicants have not had prior research experience, a letter from a college Professor will suffice.
- Names of up to six UCLA faculty whose research aligns with the interest of the candidate.
The application deadline is February 28, 2023 at 11:59PM Pacific Time. Candidates will be selected by a panel of UCLA research faculty mentors and current MSTP students. Applications will be judged based on a candidate’s academic accomplishments, resilience in overcoming adversity or hardship, activities related serving the underserved or increasing inclusion in STEM, and motivation to matriculate into a U.S. MD-PhD program. The top candidates will be interviewed by Zoom by members of a faculty and student committee in March. Candidates will be notified of our final decision by the end of March 2023. We plan to fund four to six fellows for the summer 2023.
FINANCIAL SUPPORT: A $5,000 stipend will be provided to each fellowship recipient to help offset living expenses.